Proposed Law

Proposed Law

    1. The law would require contractors and sub-contractors involved in tree care operations to have a license.
    2. The main goal of the proposed licensing bill is to ensure that all tree care operators carry insurance properly.
    3. Because there are different segments within the industry, operators will only be required to demonstrate insurance coverage and training for the segment that they operate in.  The segments and insurance needed is shown below.
Segment Insurance Training
Tree Care Gen Liability & Work Comp Basic Safety Training of Field Employees
Plant Care Gen Liability; Work Comp; E&O Certified Pesticide Applicator for field employees
Consulting E&O ISA or ASCA Credential valid & on-file
  1. Licensed tree care operators would pay a licensing fee in accordance with the size of their operation.
  2. The goal is NOT to make it hard for people to get into business.  This means that licensing will NOT involve a credentialing process – tree care operators will NOT be asked to pass a test. (for example)
  3. The law would function at the State Level and be supported through the State, but would be revenue-neutral because the licensing fees will approximately equal the enforcement costs.
  4. For the first year or so, all enforcement efforts would relate to possession of a license to perform tree care services.
  5. In future years, as licensing reaches all of the operators, the insurance enforcement will begin.
  6. Other than enforcing insurance and basic safety compliance for the operational segment of the industry, GFASTI envisions no other goals of licensing.
  7. By focusing on a simple law that addresses the biggest problem in our industry, GFASTI hopes to raise standards while fostering competition in the industry.